In Villa Fiorentino “Anima Mundi / Shot in time” exhibition by Koen Lauwert

Koen Lauwert has chosen this title as a “ common denominator” that connects about twenty photographic works he intends to exhibit in Villa Fiorentino in Sorrento from 25 March to 30 April 2023. As a street photographer, Koen has a nomadic vision of life which pushes him to capture that unique “ genius loci” in every part of the world  connecting it to a whole, as in a puzzle. These works seep empathy recalling the “syn-patheia” of the Stoics, which […]


Exhibition on Edgardo Curcio in Villa Fiorentino

Villa Fiorentino will host in its rooms the exhibition “ Edgardo Curcio – A protagonistof the Viennese Secession in Naples”. Teh exhibition, open from March 25 to Sunday May 28, is curated by the Prof MariaAntonietta Picone Petrusa, one of the greatest expert of the Neapolitan artist. For the first time, after a hundred years, a decidely modern painter for his times iscelebrated with a large and comprehensive retrospective. The exhibition, in fact, offers the public a selection of more […]


Presentation of the catalog of “The Figure and the Landscape”.

Sorrento and the Sorrentine Peninsula have always been among the favorite destinations for Italian and international artists, thanks to the beauty of its landscapes, the hospitality of its residents, and its rich cultural and gastronomic offerings. A broad collection of works by significant painters from both the national and American art scenes of the 20th century is currently on display in the exhibition "The Figure and the Landscape." As part of the exhibition, titled "The Figure and the Landscape: Perceptions […]

Sorrento Roads 2024

For the third consecutive year, Sorrento Roads challenges the conventional routes of the 1000 Miglia, taking the Red Arrow to explore renowned territories worldwide, such as the Sorrento Peninsula and the Amalfi Coast, thus offering a unique and unforgettable driving experience. The 2024 edition will reach Sant’Agata sui due Golfi, Positano, Amalfi, Maiori, and Salerno on Friday, April 5th. The race lunch will be in Paestum, with a visit to the Archaeological Park. On Saturday, April 6th, crews will enjoy […]
